Selected EnviroNet Assignments

Design of Water Master Plan Terms of Reference for Kosovo and Strategy Document for Conformance with EU Water Directives, Work Bank/UN Kosovo Trust Authority/Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, 2004-2005.   As part of this phase of post-conflict infrastructure rehabilitation in the water sector in Kosovo, EnviroNet was responsible for assessing water sector reform and investment needs into the next 20 years, including utility performance and restructuring, water supply, municipal and industrial wastewater, and irrigation. Under this contract, senior EnviroNet staff provided direct support to the Water Department of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), taking into account the new organization of the water sector, the new regulatory framework being developed, the phasing-out of United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), and the need to change perceptions and priorities in Kosovo regarding water resources management.   Plans supported the turnover from the current transitional authorities of operations and management of Public Water Utilities to include Private Sector Participants through Public Private Partnerships and other mechanisms.   The resulting project documents may be obtained by contacting the MESP.    

Water Policy and Regulation - Strategy Baseline Development for Conformance with EU Water Directives, Kosovo, World Bank/Kosovo Trust Authority/Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, 2004-2005.   In this assignment, EnviroNet specialists assessed policy development needs and transition strategies for adoption of EU Water Directives for Kosovo. The principal objective of this Strategy Baseline was to serve as a reference and guidance document to those who will be involved with future strategic planning of the water sector and in the formulation and implementation of the new Water Master Plan.   It provides a solid review of relevant EU directives, briefly outlines the status quo, then goes on to propose preliminary steps towards compliance with each of the Water-related EU Directives.  

Workshop Organization, Training, Integrated Water Resource Management Workshop, Pristina, March 30-31, 2005.   For Kosovo Trust Authority/Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning/World Bank.   EnviroNet was tasked by the World Bank to organize this event that served as a platform for the presentation to key water sector stakeholders and managers of three separate but related activities towards integrated water resource management in Kosovo that have recently been completed with World Bank support for the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning:

  • Water availability study and predictive model of the Radoniqi Dam and surrounding watershed;
  • Terms of Reference for the new Water Master Plan for Kosovo; and
  • Strategy for Capacity Building of Human Resources in the Water Sector.

In addition, the workshop was intended to elicit stakeholder interests and document questions and concerns. In all, the event was attended by over 60 participants representing various water stakeholders.   The workshop was divided into four distinct sessions.  

The workshop was commended by the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning who asked that it be used as a model for future workshops, owing to its informative and interactive format which helped to set the basis for more cohesive, transparent decision making in the water sector.

Gap Analysis and Review of the Former Water Maser Plan for Kosovo, World Bank/Kosovo Trust Authority/Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, 2004-2005.

Under this assignment, EnviroNet specialists provided support to the Water Department of the MESP in the review of data, recommendations, and plans outlined in the former WMP and in identifying information useful for the generation of the Terms of Reference for a new fully functional Water Master Plan in context in the post-conflict period as well as new and emerging national, regional, and local water management priorities.   It incorporated research, interviews, and resulting preparatory analysis conducted from May 31 through June 11, 2004 and from August 30 through September 08, 2004.  

Also under this assignment, EnviroNet developed a set of investment prioritization criteria specific to water management to support the prioritization and ranking of future water management infrastructure investments in Kosovo. The prioritization system was based on appropriately selected Water Management Performance Indicators to assess baseline conditions, communicate targets, support prioritization of investment projects in water, and allow progress to be monitored of specific water management components addressed in the new WMP and resulting TOR.

Engineering Feasibility for Water/Sanitation/Civil Works Feasibility Study for World Bank/Gov of Indonesia- Environmental/Coastal Infrastructure Loan Definition Project- West Java-Jakarta Environmental Management Project (WJJEMP) 1999 – A senior EnviroNet Staff member served as technical lead for several sub-projects being undertaken as part of a definition paper for a $150 million World Bank loan. Tasks encompassed program development in the following areas aimed at addressing municipal and industrial waste loadings in the Jabotabek (Jakarta) metropolitan region, and reviewing treatment options to reduce human health risks through improved water quality in West Java and Jakarta:

  • Review of current sanitation infrastructure, water utilities, and water user groups in low income areas
  • Program management and reform strategy for POEs charged with treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater
  • Assessment of water pollution sources impacting water quality
  • Management of water runoff from urban waste disposal sites
  • Improving manufacturing efficiencies and environmental performance of small and medium enterprises in the electroplating and food sectors
Financial, economic, and risk analysis of project alternatives